Tuesday, July 5, 2011

7. Production and Operations Management - Topical Analysis

1.      Answer the following questions  (1988)
1.      The patterns of plant layout are largely determined by the system of production adopted. In view of the differing systems of production, indicate the applicability of product and process layout in each case.
2.      How will you proceed to balance an assembly line? Give an example.
2.      Answer the following questions
1.      Production planning is one of the essential requirements of factory organisation Discuss this statement and describe the point that you would take into account in planning the production of cotton textile industry.
2.      Define maintenance management. What are its aims and objectives? Compare and contrast between preventive and corrective maintenance.
3.      Answer the following questions
1.      Discuss carefully the significance of materials management in a developing economy with particular reference to our country.
2.      What is value analysis? Discuss its significance.
4.      Answer the following questions (1989)
1.      The production management function in a small-scale industry is no different from that in a large industry Discuss.
2.      Explain why and in what way the following constitute examples of production operations
1.      Drilling for oil
2.      Running of railway trains
3.      Launching a satellite
4.      Running a hospital
5.      Loading and unloading operations in a port.
5.      Answer the following questions
1.      Distinguish between a product and process layout.
2.      What are the major types of materials handing equipments? Describe with examples their major characteristics.
6.      You are required to design the material planning system for a light engineering industry. The operations involve machining heat treatment and assembling. Describe the system you would design and the factors that would affect the effectiveness of the system.
7.      Answer the following questions (1990)
1.      What do you mean by minimum economic capacity? Discuss the policy adopted by the government in this respect.
2.      Briefly discuss the characteristic features of a good plant design.
8.      Answer the following questions
1.      What is the importance of materials handling in designing a layout? How will you go about selecting the materials handling system?
2.      Is a totally automated material handling system desirable in a job shop?
9.      Answer the following questions
1.      Value analysis and management requires highly sensitive approaches both for enhancing user/satisfaction and reducing production cost. Offer your arguments on the proposition.
2.      Briefly argue on the necessity of waste management in Indian conditions with reference to
1.      a power plant
2.      a textile mill
3.      an administrative office of a factory.
10.  Answer the following questions (1991)
1.      In production planning in a highly competitive economy one should aim at optimization of production rather than maximization of quantity produced. Do you agree? Explain.
2.      Draw a flow chart indicating the documents that are required to facilitate production planning and control in a large organisation where batch production of several parts is extensively used.
11.  Answer the following questions
1.      Under what conditions Line of Balance technique generally operates? Explain the technique with examples.
2.      What is meant by standardisation? What are its advantages and disadvantages? Do technological developments help or hinder standardisation? Comment.
12.  Answer the following questions
1.      Explain how good materials management in an organisation can contribute towards
1.      better profit margin
2.      in creased-working capital efficiency.
2.      What is meant by reorder point? What are the advantages of fixed reorder cycle system over the fixed reorder level system? What precautions are to be taken if the recorder cycle system is practiced?
13.  Answer the following questions (1992)
1.      Discuss the role of Production Manager in long run vis-a - vis that in short run with a view to assess the relative importance of job in different situations.
2.      Explain concept of Economic lot size scheduling. Describe the situations, if any, when actual production scheduling may deviate from and may even ignore Economic lot size.
14.  Answer the following questions
1.      Economic size of a plant is a fluid concept. Comment and explain why the size of a plant, at inception, is usually found different than the size dictated by the economies of the scale of operations.
2.      Will it be correct to say that proximity to source of raw materials or nearness to market, as plant location criteria, have lost their importance? Give reasons to support your answer.Appropriately illustrate.
15.  Answer the following questions
1.      What do you understand by Quality Control? Describe the procedure for instituting Quality Control in any manufacturing organisation.
2.      Write critical notes on the following:
1.      Aggregative production planning.
2.      Make or buy decision-merits and limitations.
16.  Answer the following questions (1993)
1.      Production Management is more a managerial function rather than an engineering one. Elucidate.
2.      If demand for a product varies on a daily basis, will it be advisable to change production programmes accordingly?
17.  Answer the following questions
1.      What do you understand by process design? How far does process of manufacturing influence the manufacturing system?
2.      Explain the mechanism for efficient production scheduling in intermittent type of manufacturing system.
18.  Answer the following questions
1.      Will it be correct to say that a materials manager, by himself, cannot function effectively? Support your answer with reasons.
2.      Narrate the role of inspection in quality control mechanism.
19.  Answer the following questions (1994)
1.      Explain the difference between Economic Order Quantity and Reorder Point.
2.      What difficulties would you envisage in an organisation where inventory control is not, answerable to production planning and control but to the finance division?
20.  Four activities of shop floor control are loading, sequencing, detailed scheduling and inputoutput control. What are the distinctions among these four activities?
21.  Answer the following questions
1.      Give examples of organisations that have predominantly product process and fixed position layouts.
2.      Some would contend that employees should not have a major voice in layout design. Others argue that the design process should be participatory with major employees involvement. Discuss this issue.
22.  Answer the following questions (1995)
1.      In what ways can the location decision have an impact on the productive system?
2.      What is the goal of the line balancing? What happens if a line is unbalanced?
23.  Answer the following questions
1.      Compare and contrast three different methods of aggregate planning; graphical, linear programming and a heuristic approach.
2.      What are the main decision areas of job shop scheduling?
24.  Answer the following questions
1.      What is meant by ABC classification? How might on organisations inventory be analysed using the ABC classification?
25.  What is the relationship between inventory control and the determination of economic order quantities?
26.  Answer the following questions (1996)
1.      Examine fundamental of production from management point of view and enumerate various types of manufacturing systems.
2.      Distinguish carefully between assembly line balancing and machine line balancing.
27.  Answer the following questions
1.      What considerations are important for deciding the location of a plant? Discuss.
2.      Why is value analysis done? How is it different from quality control?
28.  Answer the following questions
1.      What is meant by a schedule evaluation criterion? Discuss.
29.  What is D G S & D? Write a note on purchase process and procedure adopted by this directorate.
30.  Answer the following questions (1997)
1.      Explain how demand forecast is the basis of long run production decisions as also of short run production decisions.
2.      Examine the validity of the statement that tasks relating to control of production are determined by the type of production system.
31.  Answer the following questions
1.      Discuss the merits of process layout vis-a - vis those of product layout and specify the criteria of an ideal layout.
2.      Describe how you will determine minimum economic size of a plant. Why is it that plant size, in practice, often exceeds the minimum economic size?
32.  Answer the following questions
1.      Define the functions of materials management department How will you judge its effectiveness?
2.      Despite idle capacity in the production shop, a firm may prefer to buy. Also a firm may prefer to make, even in the face of calculations indicating higher costs as compared to buying costs. Give your comments on the merits of such decisions.
33.  Answer the following questions (1998)
1.      Is it correct to say that nature of products alone determines the type of concerned manufacturing system Support your answer with reasons.
2.      How does poor production scheduling increase cost of production and chances of increased losses.
34.  Answer the following questions
1.      Make or buy decisions are to be taken initially at the project stage and subsequently often during the operational stage of an enterprise. Do you agree? Give reasons for your reasons. Also state how the related decisions are taken giving appropriate illustrations.
2.      Plant design rests on some a-priori top management/promoters decisions. Elaborate specifying the decision and their impact on plant design.
35.  Answer the following questions
1.      Why and how is the quality of a manufactured product controlled? What are the difficulties which may have to be faced? Suggest a suitable organisation and procedures for an effective and economical set up for quality control.
36.  Faced by the problem of frequent breakdowns in equipment and a need of replacement, the top management seeks your advice as to how the problem should be tackled. Incidentally the accessories and parts inventory too has been found to be in shambles. Suggest what the management should do to deal with the situation.
37.  Answer the following questions (1999)
1.      Discuss the various factors that are taken into considerations while designing a product.
2.      Explain the advantages and disadvantages of standardization giving the role of ISO certification.
38.  Answer the following questions
1.      Discuss the methodology of constructing a control chart and its usage.
2.      Explain the chief techniques of Statistical Quality Control.
39.  Answer the following questions
1.      Differentiate between PERT and CPM giving their limitations.
2.      What do you mean by routing and transportation?
40.  Conditions under which an enterprise should buy a component instead of making it. (2000)
41.  Answer the following questions
1.      ABC Analysis classifies the items of inventory on the basis of number of units consumed over the year, and on the basis of value per unit. Therefore, ABC Classification for the current year may not serve its purpose in the future years. Do you agree? Give reasons and example (s) in support of your answer.
2.      Critically examine the assumptions of Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) model and explain the methods of protecting against variations in usage rate and supply lead time.
42.  Discuss the role of PERT and CPM as project planning and scheduling techniques (60). (2001)
43.  Importance of Inventory Control under the present circumstances of India.
44.  Significance of Materials Management in a developing economy with particular reference to our country.
45.  How does Value Analysis differ from Value Engineering? What are the objectives of value analysis? Explain the modem approach to value analysis (60).
46.  How does the PERT technique help a business manager in decision making? What is critical path analysis? Describe with illustration its utility in project planning and control (60).(2002)
47.  Discuss any two of the Management control methods like J1t (Just in Time), TQM (Total Quality Management), CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing) and CAD (Computer Aided Design), and their implications for Management control (60).
48.  Result accelerators are a group of techniques that are basically used in Value Analysis to identify unnecessary costs, remove obstacles and promote a course of action that will ensure the development of value alternatives. Justify this statement by evaluating the techniques (60).
49.  Quality Circle for quality management (2003)
50.  Aggregate Production Plan is an intermediate range production plan. Elucidate and briefly explain the Linear Programming Model and the Transportation Problem Approach to aggregate planning (60).
51.  Supply Chain Management (2004)
52.  Materials handling does not add anything to the value of the product. It only increases the cost of the product. Critically analyse the statement (60).
53.  Techniques of Total Quality Management.(2005)
54.  Vendor Evaluation and Audit
55.  Narrate the historical evolution of Production and Operations Management. Analyse the current challenges facing managers in the light if Economic Liberalisation and Globalisation (60).
56.  Value Analysis (2006)
57.  Good inventory management is the backbone of an industrys managerial effectiveness. Explain this statement and also discuss various techniques of inventory management (60).
58.  Inventory Control Techniques (2007)
59.  Juste-in-Time Approach
60.  Quality Management
61.  Two Bin System
62.  Spending money on materials management is waste because it adds to costs only and does not improve the quality and efficiency of production. Discuss. Give the methods of material handling and build up argument for the best mechanism of material handling (60).

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