Tuesday, July 5, 2011

3. Human Resource Management - Topical Notes

HR challenges; 
HRM functions; 
The future challenges of HRM; 
Strategic Management of human resources; 
Human resource planning; 
Job analysis; 
Job evaluation; 
Recruitment and selection; 
Training and development; 
Promotion and transfer; 
Performance management; 
Compensation management and benefits; 
Employee morale and productivity; 
Management of organizational climate and Industrial relations; 
Human resources accounting and audit; 
Human resource information system; 
International human resource management.

HR Challenges; Training aims, objectives and needs identification; Job Evaluation; Transfer policy; Industrial relations health; Collective bargaining; Wage determination; Performance Appraisal; Grievance Handling; Executive Development; Job enrichment; Job Enlargement; Management Development Program; Workers Participation in Management; HRD Functions; Recruitment and Selection; Selection Process; Industrial Disputes Act; Procuring people; Industrial Democracy; Payment of Bonus Act; Grievance, conflict and Dispute; Grievance Redressal Mechanism; Wage Regulation Program; Organizational Conflict; HR Significance; Job Interview; Job Satisfaction; Status Pay, Authority Pay; Trade Unions; Information Filtering; Employee Motivation; Recruiting methods; Recruiting from within or outside; Job Analysis; Wage Administration; Manpower Management; On the Job Training; Reward and Punishment System; Conciliation and Adjudication; Employee Morale; Promotion, Upgradation and Transfer; HR Accounting; Training Policy; Redeployment; Manpower planning; Career Development; Industrial Relations; Compensation Plan

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